When you choose Fitter, we install a wide range of aluminium windows for your property. Aluminium windows give your home a distinctive style, increasing its market value. Aluminium is increasing in popularity because it is one of the most durable and long lasting materials on the market.
In order to deliver the highest quality windows, we work with leading aluminium manufacturers RAUM to give you a design you can be proud of. These windows offer an ultramodern style alongside hundreds of colour options that utilise your style.
Winter is around the corner, so you might be wondering how you can warm up your home this winter. This article will explain some benefits of aluminium windows, helping you make an informed decision. Read on to find out more.
Aluminium Windows Are Inherently Strong and Durable
When you choose an aluminium window, feel confident that it is strong and durable. This is a key quality because it will protect you against tough conditions over time. These windows won’t crack, warp, or fade, saving money on repairs in the long term.
The strength of these windows ensures they are easy to maintain as well. The only thing you have to do is wipe them down with a cloth and they will look as good as new for many years. This doesn’t need to be done often, but once every few months ensure the windows look fantastic.
The Windows Come in Bespoke Colours
Our aluminium windows are available in an abundance of styles and colours to choose from. We know that every homeowner has their own personality, which is why we work closely to deliver a window that suits you.
Take advantage of a selection of RAL colours to choose from. Not only will you get the colours in aluminium but they come in wood grain effect finishes too. Perfect if you are looking to give your home a natural shine. Or, if you have plants outside your home, a woodgrain finish will seamlessly blend in.
We pride ourselves on fast lead times. If you want to ensure the project is completed even quicker and on time, we stock our traditional Black, White, and Grey colours. This allows you to enjoy your new door for longer.

An Aluminium Window Offers Exceedingly Low Energy Ratings
Another benefit of your aluminium windows is that they deliver superior energy ratings on your property. Both the windows are available in double and triple glazing styles, offering U Values of 1.1. Amongst the lowest on the market, this helps your home become warmer in the cold winter months and save on expensive energy bills. These windows include a robust thermal barrier, and offer outstanding heat retention, making your home naturally warmer and letting you control the temperature.
What’s more, your home will be flooded with natural light, creating a welcoming space for any visitor or guests. Your home’s curb appeal will be ideal in raising its market value, perfect if you want to sell it.
Our aluminium windows use a multi chambered profile that ensures mould and draught spots are a thing of the past. This helps your home become warmer all year round, delivering a comfortable design. This, combined with outstanding thermal break technology, will keep warm air in your home.

Aluminium Windows Give You Plenty of Security
We know that security is one of the most important things when choosing an aluminium window. Our products are available with multi point locking systems that ensure burglars won’t be able to break in. Coupled with our double and triple glazing, the aluminium windows are protected around the frame to bolster security even more.
Your windows are protected by Secured by Desing, which aims to reduce crime and ensure that people live safely. Included in this design are prevention techniques and measurements of the developments. As a result, your home will be safe and secure for years to come.
We hope that this article has helped you understand why aluminium windows are gaining popularity in homes in Essex. These windows offer outstanding levels of security, slim sightlines to enjoy better views and plenty of natural light.
At Fitter, we bring years of experience to every installation. We pride ourselves on fast and unbeatable lead times alongside a friendly and efficient service. Get in touch with us through our online contact form or call us on 01279 297674. Our team will be happy to assist you.
Our online quoting engine will help you design your bespoke window. Choose from a range of styles and colours, and our team will work closely to help you achieve your ideal build.
Categories: Home Improvement