A Step by Step Guide on Painting Your uPVC Windows

At Fitter Windows we install plenty of uPVC windows. They are available in many customisable styles and shapes. Painting the windows yourself is a great way to personalise your design, giving you the freedom to choose an ideal colour. Your uPVC window might look tired, old, and in need of an upgrade. Painting the windows will ensure you have a fresh start.  

Before thinking about painting the windows, two things might come to mind: Can I paint them, and How do I paint them? The answer is: yes, you can. In this article, we will explain how you can paint your uPVC windows. Read on if you want to learn more.

What Paint Should I Use?

A popular paint for uPVC windows is the Zinsser All Coat Exterior. Available in matt, satin, and glass finishes, this versatile choice is perfect for any surface. It recoats in an hour, resulting in a quicker finish.

A popular uPVC door colour is Anthracite Grey due to its sophisticated look. This is available as a base shade, giving you plenty of flexibility.

Clean Your Windows and Frames Thoroughly

The first thing that needs to be done is to thoroughly clean the windows. This will get rid of tough marks and caked in dirt. Open the windows fully to air them out, then use a wet cloth to get into the hard to reach stains. Dry the frames afterwards before applying paint on them.

The next thing to do is sand them down with sandpaper that gives you a quick finish before putting new paint on.  Then, apply primer to give the window an extra shine, and once it is left to dry you can begin painting.

Apply masking tape to the glazing which prevents damage and keeps the brickwork clear of any marks and splashes of paint. To do this, put the masking tape to the outside of the window sill and the panes of glass. A helpful tip is to cover the windows with newspaper for extra protection.

Use Primer to Prepare Your uPVC Windows

The next thing to do is apply primer on the windows, giving a clean shine to the windows. Use a primer that is the same colour as the paint, as this results in a consistent finish. What’s more, using a primer will prolong the finish because it will withstand the elements, setting you up for the worst weather conditions. 

If you want a professional look, add two coats of primer. You have to wait a few days for the coating to dry but don’t put too much pressure on the brush. The paint will flick onto the brickwork.

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Painting the uPVC Windows

The first thing you need to do when painting the uPVC windows is apply the paint directly onto the windows, ensuring that the brush reaches into the corners. It is important not to overload the brush with paint, as this can cause marks. Two coats of paint should do the trick, but wait for each coat to dry before applying a fresh one.

Another option that you can use is to use uPVC spray paint, which is ideal if you don’t want any unevenness. While this can result in a smooth and sleek look, the equipment is more expensive. Two coats are enough, to freshen up your look. 

Remove the Masking Tape

When you have finished painting the uPVC windows, remove the masking tape for a crisp look, completing the paint job. Painting the windows yourself will help you save money on repairs while doing your bit for the environment.

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Does Painting Your Windows Make Them Last Longer

A painted window will last for many years to come, as it won’t get damaged by the weather. In comparison to wooden frames, uPVC frames stand firm without expanding and contracting.

Cleaning the windows is easy because the only thing you have to do is wipe them with a damp cloth, ensuring they look immaculate in the long run. When cleaning the windows, don’t put too much pressure on them. The paint will last for around 5 years before needing to be repainted, but it is essential to follow the preparation guide.

Start Painting Your uPVC Windows Today

We hope that this article has helped you understand how to paint the uPVC windows from scratch. It is a simple way to save money while giving a professional look all year round.

If you want to get in touch with the friendly team at Fitter for any questions, call us on 01279 799818 or fill in our online contact form.

We look forward to working with you soon.

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