Double Glazing or Triple Glazing: Which One Is Right For Your Home?

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All our products including windows and doors offer a variety of benefits for your home in Essex. We offer double and triple glazing options for our windows, but you might be wondering what the differences are so you can make an informed decision. Read on to learn more about the differences.

Noise Reduction

Double glazing is ideal for noise reduction because when you upgrade from single glazing, it will improve the quality of life in your home. Using double glazing will reduce noise reductions in your property, reducing loud sounds to a whisper. This is perfect if you are in an area such as a busy neighbourhood or by a motorway. Installing double glazing will ensure you will stay protected for a long time.

In comparison to double glazing, triple glazing features an extra pane of glass, ensuring it is thicker and heavier. The extra pane of glass makes a difference because it blocks out extra noise, reducing its impact. If you want a peaceful environment, a triple glazed window will help achieve this.

One thing to consider is the size of the gap between the panes. When thinking about noise reduction, the larger the size, the less noise gets trapped. Triple glazing is advantageous in this regard, however, if you are on a budget, double glazing with the correct sized gaps could be a better alternative.

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Thermal Efficiency

When you are upgrading from a single glazed window, energy efficiency is one of the main reasons to upgrade. A window that retains natural heat is a unique selling point because not only will your home be warmer and more comfortable, but it will save plenty of money on your energy bills in the long term.

The extra pane of glass plays a vital role in stopping heat loss and saving plenty of money on bills. What’s more, it is filled with argon gas and krypton to keep your home toasty and comfortable.

While single glazing typically has U values of 5.6, upgrading to a double glazing window offers a significant reduction. Our uPVC windows are robust, being able to support both glazing options. The extra third pane of argon gas ensures that more heat will be trapped in, so your home will be warm and comfortable. If your home doesn’t require extra warmth, then double glazing is a great option to consider.

Adding Value to Your Home

Double and triple glazing increases the market value of your home because it keeps heat indoors and lets in natural light. These are a few main commodities to boost your market value if you want to sell your home in the future. The strong construction, plus multi point locking systems, will keep your property safe for many years to come.

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Keeping your home safe and secure is one of the main reasons for upgrading your windows to double or triple glazing. Both options contain two or three panes of glass that deal with hard knocks. And, what’s more, they are fitted tightly into the frame so tools such as crowbars won’t be able to open them.

Both designs are equipped with built in multi point locking systems and shoot bolts, however, double glazing is lighter than triple glazing, making sure it is suitable for bifold doors and sliding doors. They provide outstanding security to protect you from durable conditions. They are easy to maintain too because the only thing you must do is wipe the product with a cloth so it’s good as new.


If you decide on upgrading to double or triple glazing, ultimately the choice is yours. Both options have a plethora of benefits, and the team at Fitter are on hand to assist you in your decision.

To design your double or triple glazed window, head to our online quoting engine. Both glazing options are available for all our windows, giving you an abundance of choices. Design your window in whatever style you like, and we will return with a price that suits your budget.

Contact us if you have any questions about our products. Call us on 01279 297674 or send a message through our online contact form, and our team will get back to you instantly.   

We look forward to working with you soon.

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