Outdated double glazing and the impact on your energy consumption

As energy costs rocket and awareness of the impact of excess energy consumption increases, many of us are seeking ways to reduce our usage and our bills. As well as being aware of your energy consumption, it is also beneficial to ensure you’re on the best value energy plan and have the best possible double glazing.

Outdated double glazing can cost you money

Figures from the energy saving trust show that the average house could save several hundred pounds each year, as well as reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The more energy efficient your double glazing is, the greater the savings.

Why is modern double glazing more efficient?

Many homes now have some sort of double glazing and while this is better than nothing, new technology means your glazing could be working so much harder to reduce heat loss from your home. Modern double glazing is built with two panes of specially engineered glass. Sandwiched between the panes is argon or a similar inert gas. This gas is heavier than air, which makes it an excellent insulator – an invisible barrier if you like. This barrier works to mute sound and retains all that lovely heat.

Updated double glazing reduces energy consumption

Choosing to update your windows brings a host of benefits:

• Reduced heating bills

Modern double glazing reduces the amount of heat that escapes from your home, which in turn reduces the amount of time you need to keep the heating running to stay warm.

• Reduced carbon footprint

A better-insulated home is more energy efficient – modern double glazing can reduce annual carbon emissions of the average household by more than 400kg – around the same as driving a car for 2000 miles.

• Keep out wind and weather

Well-sealed windows and doors keep out all those nasty draughts – the ones that give you a pain in the neck as you sleep, or creep around your ankles whilst you’re trying to watch TV. These draughts make you feel cold and can make you turn the heating up. Getting rid of them means you’ll be even warmer through the winter.

• Keep your cool in summer

Old-style double glazing had a bad reputation when it came to keeping you cool. Modern double glazing keeps heat out in the summer, in the same way as it keeps it in in winter, so you can stay cool all season, without resorting to energy-hungry fans or air conditioning.

Find out more

At Fitter Windows we supply and fit double and triple-glazed windows to suit all properties. Years of experience combined with a keen eye for innovation means we offer a perfect blend of traditional style and modern attitude as well as expert installation and impeccable customer service. To find out more or book an appointment just get in touch.

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