How To Keep Cold Draughts Out Of Your Home

At Fitter Windows, we understand how important it is to keep your windows thermally efficient because a cold house can be unsightly. With the cost of living rising, you might be wondering how you can make the windows thermally efficient. In this article, we will help you by providing methods to keep draughts at bay. Read on to find out more. 

Use Pressure Sensitive Foam

The first thing you will need to do is install pressure sensitive foam on your uPVC windows which is an easy weather strip to apply. Available in varying lengths and thicknesses, giving you plenty of choices on what to choose. The foam will act as a cushion which stops the windows from slamming.

Install the pressure sensitive foam by placing it on the friction free parts of a wooden window because it would lose its grip if it was placed on the bottom part. What’s more, you will need to use a hammer to nail the seal into place.

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Use A Caulk to Seal Draughts

A caulk is a very important tool if you want to seal your windows. It is very easy to use because it is suitable for preventing draughts. A caulk will help stop the warm air from getting in your home, while the cool air will escape for longer. This will help decrease your energy bills because you will be more environmentally friendly.

This is also a sustainable method during the cold winter weather too. By caulking the gaps in your home, you will stop warm air from leaving the building and save money on your heating and energy bills. With the cost of living on the rise, there will never be a better time to save on your energy bills.

Ensure Your Home Has Proper Ventilation

When you consider protecting your home from draughts, it is important that your home is suitably ventilated. For your uPVC windows, metal strips are a long term solution. Make sure the strip is cut to size otherwise it might be too big for your home.

If you have a sliding sash window, brush strips are the best option. However, you will need to get a professional to install it. At Fitter, we have a team of friendly installers who will be on hand to help you. Get in touch with us today.  

Consider Installing Energy Efficient Double Glazing to Remove Draughts

One of the ways to help prevent draughts is to install energy efficient windows.  At Fitter, all our uPVC windows include double glazing which is perfect for letting in natural light and keeping your home warmer all year round. It comes with energy efficient glass that helps keep heat inside, saving plenty of money on rising costs.

Our energy efficient windows are available in both double glazing, which has two sheets of glass, and triple glazing, which has three sheets. Our windows come installed with Weatherseal’s draught and condensation will be a thing of the past.

The gaps in the air are filled with argon gas, which stops cold air from coming inside. This is perfect for your needs.

We offer secondary glazing too, which is draughtproof. This is a new pane placed over an existing pane. This keeps your home naturally warmer.

Q Lon Weathergasket

If you have an underperforming door where draughts are coming into your home, then a Q Lon weather gasket will do the trick. This is a high quality seal that is made from foam, so it will absorb any water or cold air that enters. Installing a Q Lon weather gasket will give you benefits and comfort that last all year round.

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Use an Extractor Fan To Ventilate Your Home

A simple method of draught proofing your home doesn’t even involve the window or door. Using an extractor fan in your bathroom or kitchen will remove the damp air and moisture from your home. This is because these are the main areas that build up. They are simple and cheap to install.

Keep the Internal Doors Closed

It might not be noticeable, but simply keeping a door shut will help your homestay warmer over long periods. If there is a gap at the bottom of the door, block it with a draught excluder, which can be made by using plastic bags or a draught excluder. It is simple and effective.


We hope that this article has helped you when giving you methods that will draught proof your home. Our friendly team come with decades of experience, so they are always on hand to help you.

Give us a call on 01279 799818 or fill our contact form out. We will be on hand to help you every step of the way.

Or, if you want to build your door, use our online quoting engine. Fill out every aspect of your design and our team will return with a bespoke price.

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