What are the best ways to clean your uPVC Windows?

At Fitter, we understand that uPVC windows are one of the most popular window choices available for your home. These windows offer outstanding energy efficiency and soundproof levels because they reduce loud noises to a whisper. But you might be wondering how to clean them and what is the easiest way to do this. Unlike wooden frames, uPVC doesn’t rust, making it durable and long lasting. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t probing into dirt, either. In this article, we will give you a step by step guide on how to clean your uPVC windows, so read on to find out more.

upvc windows maidstone

The hinges are one of the trickiest parts of the uPVC windows to clean because they are difficult to reach. The first thing you must do is open the window wide without damaging the hinges. Then, get the vacuum cleaner out and use the nozzle to reach into the hinge mechanism. A tip is to use a nozzle with a dust brush because this will prevent scratching around the area. This is an easy way of getting to the hinges, but keeping the windows open will prevent even more problems, such as mould spots, in the long run.

Before thinking about cleaning the windows, it is important to keep them maintained so they will last for longer. Opening up the windows will let fresh air into your home, which causes the windows to be stiff and causes bigger problems in the long term. It is essential to keep on top of these bits. You only need to wipe the windows a few times over, helping them look as good as new.  

Cleaning the windows themselves is much easier and more straightforward. Microfibre cloths are your best bet when it comes to wiping the windows down because they are soft and won’t scratch or damage the glass pane. The windows come in White as standard, making it easier to see mould and draught spots. A sponge and soapy water do the trick in removing light spots. Clean it regularly, and the uPVC windows will serve you well for many years to come.

uPVC Bay Window

A sponge and soapy water are ideal, but there are other ways to clean the windows as well. For example, an alternative to soap is to combine vinegar with hot water. To create the mixture, blend one part vinegar with four parts water. After this, it will work its magic for 10-15 minutes, and you can enjoy your beautiful and bright windows without any chemicals or nasty smells.

It is just as important to clean the window panes, so you get a clear view of the property. For this, use kitchen rolls or old newspaper, which will work wonders in keeping it shiny. Use a non abrasive window cleaner spray and then wipe the smears off with a damp cloth. This way, the windows will look as good as new, and you will experience beautiful views.

You can also use specialist uPVC cleaners when cleaning your uPVC windows, which are useful if the windows have been neglected for a long time. In comparison to vinegar and warm water, these uPVC cleaners are much stronger and come in the form of a powder. They are designed to remove stubborn stains like grime and dust that won’t automatically come off. Use a warm cloth to wipe off the cream, and it won’t scratch your uPVC windows.

When cleaning the windows, it is also important to understand what products to avoid. For example, it is best not to use rough sponges such as scourers because they risk scratching the uPVC and don’t yield effective results. Furthermore, it is also important to check your general cleaners to see if they have any specialist dyes. This is because even harmless dish soap could contain a dye. This will stain your frames, discolouring them in the long term.

Cleaning products that contain materials such as bleach or white spirits are also to be avoided. This is because you will damage both your frames and the surrounding paintwork or wallpaper while posing a risk to your windowsills. To keep your frames brighter for a long period of time,

We hope that you found this article helpful when cleaning your uPVC windows. Cleaning the windows is surprisingly easier than you might think, but it is important to consider the right materials to use so you don’t run into any problems.

At Fitter, we are experts in caring for your uPVC windows. If you have any issues or questions, fill out our online contact form or give us a call at 01279 799818. Our friendly team will be on hand to help you. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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