Aluminium Windows Harlow | Aluminium Doors & Windows Essex

Aluminium Windows Harlow & Essex

Aluminium windows are a stunning and modern home improvement option for anyone here in Harlow & Essex. As a material, aluminium delivers an unrivalled performance compared to the alternatives, despite being more naturally lightweight than steel. It retains more heat and is more structurally secure than uPVC or timber frames of the same size and style.

All our aluminium windows are fitted with stunning double glazing, for the ultimate performance. Double glazing works by having two glass panels fitted within a single frame, for enhanced insulation and heat retention. When partnered with an aluminium framework, these windows deliver an unrivalled performance. Where possible, you should always opt for aluminium windows.

This product is supplied to us by Lister Trade Frames, who provide us with aluminium windows that are manufactured by RAUM. Their frames are backed by a decade-long product guarantee, which is telling of the window’s quality. This aluminium double glazing is available in a range of styles, including top-hung and side-hung casement as well as tilt and turn frames.

Competitive Aluminium Window Prices Harlow & Essex

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Features & Benefits

Aluminium is much more robust than uPVC or timber. With this, our aluminium windows can be made with much slimmer sightlines. This means that a bigger portion of the window will be comprised of our innovative double glazing. This allows more natural light to flow into your home in Essex or Kent, ensuring it remains bright and warm right throughout the year.

Aluminium is also a superb natural insulator. This means that our aluminium windows deliver fantastic energy efficiency, whereby they trap the warmth inside your home. These RAUM frames can attain U-values as low as 1.1, which is among the best any double glazed window can achieve. Your home will feel naturally warm, even during winter, which can lead to cheaper energy bills over time.

Our uPVC casement windows are designed to deliver an exceptional thermal performance. uPVC is a great natural insulator, and our frames are enhanced thanks to a chambered profile that improves its heat retention. The double glazing we use will work to trap the room’s natural warmth, keeping it at the optimal temperature all year round. This could save you money on your heating bills over time.

By working with Lister, we can offer our customers RAUM aluminium windows that come fitted with multi-point locking systems. This means they are protected at several different points around the frame, thus improving the consistency and overall standard of the window’s security. They can be designed to adhere to Secured by Design standards; the police preferred level of product security.

Aluminium has a much better natural lifespan than other regularly used window frame materials. RAUM support this with their ten year manufacturer’s guarantee, however these aluminium windows can often last much longer than that. If well maintained, aluminium windows can realistically last for around two decades before showing any signs of natural wear and tear.

Aluminium windows are traditionally finished in a matte anthracite grey. This can blend effortlessly with modern and traditional homes alike here in Essex or Kent. However, these RAUM frames are also available in a wide range of different colour finishes, thanks to the option of over 250 bespoke RAL colours. You’ll be able to create aluminium windows to suit your home perfectly.

Choose the Perfect Colour

Here at Fitter Windows, we have a range of high performance colour finishes available for your double glazed windows. You’re welcome to opt for the traditional uPVC white, or you can choose something more striking. An authentic woodgrain would pair wonderfully with a more traditional property in Kent or Essex, a darker black or grey could make for a fantastic addition to a more modern build. Explore our colour options today and contact us if you have any questions.

Light Oak
Chartwell Green
These are just a sample of the wide range of colours available. If you have any specific requirements please don't hesitate to contact us.

We have a broad range of different products on offer at Fitter Windows. Our aluminium windows are among our premium products, delivering an enhanced performance for homeowners here in Essex or Kent. However, we offer a wide range of different products, catering to everyone’s budget and tastes.

Renovating your home can have a massive effect on your normal day-to-day life. Our team are on-hand to guide you through the process, with an impetus on ensuring that having new double glazing fitted is as stress-free as possible. We are always on hand to listen to questions and concerns.

One of our core values has been to always offer competitive prices across our entire product range. This includes our aluminium windows, which are priced fairly with the market around us in Essex or Kent. Our quotes are transparent, meaning you won’t receive any sneaky hidden fees.

View Our Aluminium Windows Video

Double Glazing Canterbury

Aluminium Windows Prices Harlow & Essex

Use our online quoting engine to get estimated prices for a set of our aluminium windows. You’ll be able to specify the exact dimensions and styles of your windows, allowing you get accurate pricing. It’s free to use and works on any device. We can also provide you with estimated pricing for our double glazing over the phone. Simply leave your details on our online form, and we’ll contact you at a time that suits your schedule. You can also ring Fitter Windows directly now on 01322 515 960.


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