5 Ways To Make Your uPVC Door Energy Efficient

When you are getting a uPVC door for your home, you want to make sure it is warm and keeps heat in your home. This door will reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills. But as you’re reading this, you might be wondering how you can make your door more thermally efficient without breaking the bank. We have many years of expertise that can be used to help you. Read on to find out more.

One of the most common problems that homeowners experience is the amount of draughts that enter their home. Draughts make your home colder and unusable, ensuring that your central heating works overtime. Unfortunately, this is also expensive, so to save money, so at Fitter, we have ways to improve your energy efficiency.

Apply Weatherstripping to Your Front Door

An easy way to enhance your homes’ thermal efficiency is to apply weatherstripping. This is a cost effective method. It is easy to install and can be done without a professional.  

The first thing you have to do is dry the surface before applying the weatherstrip. Otherwise, it will  not stay in place. Measuring the space correctly is vital to get an equal length for the strip, saving you  a trip to the hardware store. It is also important that the strip meets tightly around the corners, so they join in the same place. This results in a consistent finish and extra protection.

Weatherstripping will boost your home’s aesthetic and make a massive difference.

Replace single glazing with double glazing

If you live in a home with a single glazed panel on your front door, this will leave it vulnerable to cold air and intruders. At Fitter, all our doors are fitted with double glazing panels. The inclusion of double glazing will help your home have an influx of natural light which will save plenty of money on your heating bills.

Close the Gaps by using Caulk

Draughts enter your home through the gaps in the doors. When left open, this will make your house colder. One simple way of fixing this is by using silicone caulk on your door. Silicone caulk should only be used on still, not moving parts because they will come loose easier.

Install a Stormproof Door

We understand that weather conditions in Essex can be unpredictable and cold, especially being close to the seaside. With this in mind, consider a stormproof door that will protect you from even the worst weather conditions. This is because they can help compensate for energy loss by being extremely well insulated. They are perfect for cold climates, and we offer many styles that complement your home.

uPVC front door quote essex

Choose a Door With A Low U Value

You want a door with exceptionally low U Values. This will keep warm heat in your home and leave cold air outside. At Fitter, our uPVC doors come with a multi chambered frame that keeps the warm air inside.  Enjoy a home that is naturally energy efficient and saves money on your bills. This leaves you room to spend on the things that matter.  

The doors are also tested to BSI Weather Standards so you won’t have to worry about repair bills or any water ingress. uPVC doors are strong and durable so they won’t rust, warp, or fade. The Q Lon weather gaskets are fitted to protect the door even more, helping for a long lasting performance.

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Boost your Home’s Energy Efficiency With Triple Glazing

In addition to double glazing, triple glazing will also help your home become more thermally efficient long term. Triple glazing is where a third layer of glazing is included to boost natural light and protect you from strong winds. Triple glazing is a strong insulator of sound too, so if you experience loud raindrops, this will be silenced. Enjoy peace and tranquillity when you choose this door.


We hope that this article has helped you understand how uPVC doors are thermally efficient for your home. All our doors are designed with energy efficiency in mind, so you will save money and benefit from a warmer property in the process.

If you want to find out more about how your doors can be more energy efficient, give us a call on 01279 799818 or fill out our online contact form. Our team will be on hand to help you every step of the way.

Alternatively, fill out our online quote to design your uPVC door. We will return with an ideal price suitable to your needs.

Categories: Windows & Doors

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