Aluminium Windows vs uPVC Windows

At Fitter, we offer both aluminium and uPVC windows, but which one is right for you? Read on to find out the benefits, which will help you make an informed decision.

A uPVC window is a cost-effective and fantastic value for money. This is because they are made from robust plastic, which will be sturdy against tough conditions. When you choose your uPVC windows, you will be confident that they will open and close smoothly. Another big advantage of uPVC is that the cheap material will last a long time, helping it be more desirable in the future.

A uPVC window has a very long lifespan thanks to its incredible durability. This is because it will stand very firm in tough conditions, so you don’t need to worry about any damp spots or leaks. This is because they are very low maintenance and easy to clean. This is because the only thing you have to do is wipe the doors down with a damp cloth, which will look as good as new. The colours come in various durable designs, keeping your home dryer longer. The airtight and watertight seals that come with the windows will ensure you won’t have to worry about any water seeping into your home.

Your uPVC window will also come with plenty of safety and security to help you and your family stay safe against intruders. This is because the windows come with advanced double glazing as standard, which will help protect you from robust knocks and violent winds. Moreover, your window will come with multi-point locking systems and advanced shootbolt techniques, so your home will be protected for a very long time.

The windows are also a very good insulator of heat because the advanced double glazing creates a robust thermal barrier that keeps natural heat in your home, leaving cold air outside. This will help save plenty of money on your heating bills all year round, freeing up your finances. And, they will give you unbeatable soundproofing because your ears will be protected from unpleasant sounds. This is ideal if you live in a noisy neighbourhood or near a busy road. A uPVC door could be the perfect solution for you.

The windows are also very functional and fashionable because of the many different styles. This includes casement windows, tilt & turn windows, and sash windows. Whatever style and colour you want, at Fitter, we have you covered.

in comparison to uPVC, aluminium windows is much stronger and more durable. Aluminium is a precious and robust metal that can withstand tough conditions because it doesn’t rust, warp, or fade. It is also naturally recyclable, so when it reaches the end of its lifespan, it can be recycled into something else. This makes it a very environmentally friendly material in the long run.

Aluminium Windows Braintree

What’s more, like uPVC, aluminium is a very thermally efficient material because you will reduce heat by as much as 60 per cent. This is because of a polyamide thermal break which will keep your home much warmer in the process and helps you save on your energy bills because you don’t need to use the central heating or thermostat.

The windows are very customisable because they come in various styles and colours for you to consider. This includes a range of colours and customisable glass options which can enhance your property. This is because you can stamp your personality all over your home. For instance, you can choose a vibrant colour that stands out, or you can go for something that is muted and blends into your home.

The windows are very easy to maintain because all you need to do is wipe them down with a microfibre cloth, and they will look as good as new. If you clean the frame of the glass every 2-3 months, it will stay fresh for a very long time. Additionally, aluminium is a strong material that Is less likely to warp or rot in the long run.

When it comes to choosing a window for your home, the choice between aluminium and uPVC is ultimately up to you. We have many different types for you to choose from, so you are not short on options. If you want to get in contact with us, give us a call on 01279 799818 or even fill in our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Categories: Home Improvement, Windows & Doors

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