How To Make Your Composite Door More Secure?

When you choose a composite door, you will experience many benefits. One of them is its strong security. This is important if you want to keep your property safe from intruders. It takes a burglar between 8-12 minutes to enter your home and rob your possessions. In order to avoid this, you’ll want to boost the security of your door. Front doors and windows are the easiest points of entry, so you will want to boost it further.

Composite doors are known to last for many years. However, their security will degrade over time the more it is used. At Fitter, we take our security extremely seriously. In this article, we will give you some ideas on how to make your composite door more secure. Read on to find out more.

Install A Door Lock

It is essential to have a lock on your front door, but in order to boost it further, install toughened locks that will enhance your security. Multi point locking systems are made from three locking points that lock concurrently. It is easy to operate because it is unlocked with a key. As far as locks go, this is one of the most secure on the market.

Additionally, you can install a five lever mortice lock. This will strengthen the doors’ security because the more locks a front door has, the harder it will be to break in.

Composite Front Doors Bishop's Stortford

With the rise in technology, you will also benefit from a smart lock to secure your door. This lock works through an app, which lets you always monitor the door. This helps you open and close it easily, so you can tell when someone is trying to enter your door.

Add a chain to your Composite Door

Another way to reinforce your doors’ security is by adding a chain to your composite door. This will stop the door from fully opening, so intruders will have a hard time breaking in. When used alongside the other locks, you will be safer for much longer.

Install a Spy Hole in the Door

A Spy hole is an ideal way to reinforce security in your front door. This lets you look closely at who is at the door, giving you the choice of whether to let them in or not. This spy hole is crucial when answering the door, giving you and your loved ones more confidence.

What’s more, the spyholes are both cheap and easy to operate. They can be sold at n affordable price, so you don’t need to break the bank.

Replace Old or Damaged Hinges

As your composite door gets used more frequently, the doors will get damaged over time. A weak hinge allows an intruder to take advantage of your home and break in. Make frequent checks and if the hinge is broken, you will need to upgrade it.

Install a Security Strike Plate

Another option that will help increase your security is to install a security strike plate. This is used to protect your door jamb, which is an area prone to intruders entering. The strike plate will act as a barricade to your door for impending criminals, so installing one will bolster your door’s security. Similar to a spyhole, they are incredibly easy to install and are sold at an affordable price.

Install Double Glazing on your Composite Doors

Double glazing offers many benefits for your composite door. It gives outstanding noise reduction. This is ideal if you live in a neighbourhood that is loud or even an area close to the motorway. The robust panes of glass will reduce the noise down to a whisper, so you can live in peace.

Furthermore, another benefit of double glazed windows is that they give you increased security. It is hard to force them open from the outside, while adding laminated or toughened glass will help with privacy. Feel confident that no one will be able to enter your home easily, making them a secure option.


We hope that this article has helped you when it comes to keeping your composite door more secure. With a selection of locks to consider alongside spyholes and chains, there are many ways that you can prevent intruders from breaking in.

If you want to find out more about our security measures, get in contact with us today. Fill out our online contact form or call us on 01279 799818. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Categories: Windows & Doors
